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Integrated Management System

Comprehensive Policy is defined at CISA as:

CISA maximizes the economic and social return of the assets of the Colombian State, by building relationships of mutual benefit and strategic alliances with its clients so that it can be the best option of the State to materialize the public assets management policy, through its commitment to:

  1. Satisfy the needs and expectation of stakeholders.
  2. Improve the efficiency, efficacy and effectiveness of its processes.
  3. Respect its environment and prevent pollution.
  4. Provide safe working conditions for its staff.
  5. Prevent and diminish injuries and professional illnesses.
  6. Handle and protect information as confidential.
  7. Meet the applicable legal requirements.
  8. Balance working and personal life of its staff.
  9. Properly manage risk.

Comprehensive Objectives

  1. Provide solutions to the State to boost the use and management of its assets.
  2. Efficiently monetize the portfolio, the real estate and other assets acquired, assigned or managed.
  3. Increase the efficiency, efficacy and effectiveness of its process and ensure the fulfillment of the expectations of its stakeholders.
  4. Improve the competencies of its staff and promote their comprehensive growth.
  5. Diminish the negative impacts on the environment generated by CISA operations.
  6. Keep the index of disabling injuries.
  7. Have safe and optimal information and processes through proper tools.

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Última Actualización. martes, 4 de febrero de 2025   Usted es nuestro visitante No. 6086428