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Processes and Services

All processes carried out by CISA - CENTRAL DE INVERSIONES S.A. are ruled by provisions in Article 23 of the National Constitution. Central de Inversiones S.A. has monitoring and control tools to guarantee your process is timely attended to (See statistics)

Debt Balance Certificate Request

This mechanism allows anyone using it to request a detailed debt balance.

Good Standing Certificate Request

This mechanism allows anyone using it to request a GOOD STANDING certificate concerning an obligation.

Legal Loan Document Request

This mechanism allows anyone using it to request a copy of a loan legal document.

Liability Payment Verification Request

This mechanism allows anyone using it to request the verification of the payments made.

Data Update to Credit Bureaus

This mechanism allows anyone using it to request the updating of his or her data to Credit Bureaus.

Release of Guarantees after Paying a Debt

This mechanism allows anyone using it to request the release of guarantees after paying a debt.

Download Withholding Tax and ICA Withholding Tax Certificates

This mechanism allows anyone using it to download his or her Withholding Tax and ICA Withholding Tax certificates.

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Última Actualización. martes, 4 de febrero de 2025   Usted es nuestro visitante No. 6086391